Plane Table Surveying


Plane table is the graphical method of survey in which the field observation proceeds simultaneously. The surveying in which we use plane table instrument that surveying is known as plane table surveying.

 Principle of plane table surveying

The principle of plane table surveying is based in the fact that the line joining the point on the plane table are made to lie parallel to their corresponding lines joining the ground points while working at each station.


Accessories required for plane table surveying

  • ·        Plane Table with Tripod Stand
  • ·        Alidade
  • ·        Spirit Level
  • ·        Magnetic Compass
  • ·        Plumb Bob and Plumb Fork
  • ·        Drawing Paper

Plane Table with Tripod Stand

It consists of wooden table mounted on the light tripod in such a way that the tabletop may be rotate about its vertical axis and can be claim in any position. The tabletop is leveled by adjusting the leg of tripod.

The size of plane table is usually 450mm*600mm, 500mm*700mm and 600mm*750mm.



The plane table alidade is a instrument which is used to sight object through object vane. There are two type of alidade which are generally used:

v  Plane Alidade

v  Telescopic alidade


Plane Alidade

It generally consists of metal or wooden ruler with two vanes at the end’s vanes are hinged and can be folded on the ruler when alidade is not being used. One of the vanes is known as sight vane and other vane is known as object vane.

Telescopic Alidade

The alidade which ais fitted with a telescope is known as telescopic alidade. It is generally used when it is required to take inclined side.


Spirit Level

It is consisting of small metal tube which contain a small bubble. The spirit level may also be circular but its base most be flat so that it can be laid on the table. The table is truly leveled when bubble remain central all over the table.


Magnetic Compass

A box compass consists of a magnetic needle pivoted at its center freely. It is used for orienting the plane table to the magnetic north. The edge of the box compass is straight, and the bottom is perfectly flat.


Plumbing Bob and Plumbing Fork

The plumbing fork consists of hair pin shape brass frame having two equal arms of equal length one end has pointer while a plumb bob is attached to another end. It is used for transforming location of instrument station on the ground.


Drawing Paper

The drawing paper used for plane tabling must be of superior quality.

 Working Operation of plane table

Following three operations are carried out at each station:

·        Fixing the plane table on tripod stand

·        Leveling up the plane table

·        Sighting the station point


Fixing the plane table in tripod stand

In this method strip of tripod is unfolded and the legs of the tripod are well spread. The bolt is removed from the annular ring and the table is place on the top of the tripod so, that it is lifted well with the clamping assembly of the tripod.

Leveling up the plane table

The setting up operation consist of the following:

v  Leveling the plane table

v  Centering the plane table

v  Orienting the plane table


Leveling the plane table

In this operation the tabletop is made truly horizontal for rough and small scale work, leveling can be done by eye estimation where as for accurate and large scale work leveling is achieved with an ordinary spirit level.

Centering the plane table

In this operation the location of the plane table station on the paper is brought exactly vertical above the ground station position this operation is known as centering of the plane table. Plumb bob and plumb fork are used for centering the plane table.

Orienting the plane table

Orientation is the process of putting the plane table into same fixed direction so that line representing a certain direction on the table is parallel to the direction on the ground.

Sighting the station point

When once the level has been set that is leveling, centering, and orienting has been done the points to be located are sighted through the alidade. The alidade is kept pivoted about the plotted location of the instrument station and is turned so that the line of sight bisects the sight at the to be plotted.

Method of plane table surveying

There are four methods of surveying with plane table:

v  Radiation Method

v  Intersection Method

v  Traversing Method

v  Resection Method

Radiation Method

In this method the objects are located by radiating lines from the point and measuring the distance with tape with suitable scale. It is used for locating the details from the station which has been established Previously by other method. This method is suitable for small area survey.

Intersection Method

In this method the point is fixed on the plane by the intersection of the rays drawn from the two instruments stations. The lines joining the station is called base line. This method require only linear measurement of the line.

Errors in plane table surveying

ü  Instrumental Error

ü  Personal Error

ü  Plotting Error

Instrumental Error

The primary source of instrumental error in plane table surveying arises from the lack of temporary adjustment, thus the cause of instrumental errors are as follows:

1.Undulation of plane table

Errors in observation as well as plotting will occur if the top surface of the plane table is not perfectly plain.

2.Lose fitting of plane table

If the fitting of plane table and that of tripod are loose, the plane table will not remain stable and the error in surveying will occurs.

3.Improper Magnetic Compass

If the magnetic compass doesn’t represent proper magnetic direction and error is originated in the plane table surveying.

4.Defect in spirit level

If the level tube is defected, the plane table will not be horizontal when bubble is central.

5.Poor Quality of drawing sheet

Personal Error

1.Improper leveling of the plane table

If the plane table is not leveled properly and the main horizontal sight vane will be inclined to the vertical. These would be an error and the points located will not be correct.

2.Inaccurate centering

If the plane table is not accurately centered the error in plotted position of the station will cause error in plotting in all other details from the station.


3.Improper orientation

If the plane table is not oriented properly than, the plotting in general will be inaccurate.


Plotting Error

This may cause due to any error in measurement of the distance or direction of the ray due to error in the instrument or error manipulated on sighting. This will lead to inaccurate map of the survey and thus, the objective of the survey will not be properly achieved.


Advantage of plane table surveying

       I.          It is most suitable for preparing small scale map.

      II.          It is most rapid.

    III.          It is particularly advantageous in magnetic area where compass survey is not reliable.

    IV.          No grade skill is required to prepare a satisfactory map.

     V.          It is less costly than theodolite survey.

    VI.          Field book is not required for plane table surveying.


Disadvantage of plane table surveying

       I.          It is heavy and awkward to carry.

      II.          It is not suitable for work in wet climate.

    III.          It is not intended for accurate work.

    IV.          It is not suitable for preparing large scale map.



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