Introduction to building



The building is the structure contains roofs, wall, stairs, door, windows and other opening use for various purpose. Building construction includes the construction of residential and non-residential building, commercial and institutional building etc. Building serves several societal needs primarily as the shelter from weather, security, living space, privacy, to store belonging and to comfortably live and work.


Types of building

ü  Residential building

ü  Educational building

ü  Institutional building

ü  Religious building

ü  Business building

ü  Assembly building

ü  Industrial building

ü  Mercantile building

ü  Storage building

ü  Hazardous building

ü  Military building

ü  Governmental building

Residential building

The building which are used for normal residential purpose and should facility activities such as living, sleeping, cooking etc. The building most include one or more family member, apartments, flats and private garage.


Educational Building

Building which are build for educational purpose to serve a locality, specific region, or country. These building includes any building used by school, college, universities, day care etc. involving instruction, education, and recreation.

Institutional Building

Institutional building simply refers to any structure that fulfill role related to health care, education, public work etc. These building includes any building which are the part of hospital, clinic, health post, nursing center, jails, prisons, mental hospitals etc.

Religious Building

A building constructed or used for religious purpose like worship and meditation. For example, temple, church, mosque, gumbo, gurudwara etc.

Business Building

Business building is a building which is used for specific business for example offices, bank, court, etc.

Assembly Building

These building may include any building or part of building where group of people gather for recreation, social cause, discussion or for program. For example assembly hall, exhibition hall, seminar hall, theater etc.

Industrial Building

These types of building are mainly used for manufacturing purpose. Here production of materials of all king and properties are fabricated, assembled or product. For example cold store, garage, refinery, mills dairies etc.

Mercantile Building

The building which are build for business purpose it includes shop, shopping mahal, met store, whole sell store, market or retail etc.

Storage building

These building are generally used for the storage sheltering of goods, wares or merchandise like warehouse, cold store, garage etc.

Hazardous Building

These types of building include any building which is used for storage, handling, manufacture or processing of highly combustible material, explosive materials or produce poisonous fumes. These building is used to store, handle or manufacturing, highly corrosive, toxic, acidic or other liquids or chemicals that produce flames, explosive etc.

Military Building

Those building which are used by only military person for their training and storing their arms and ammunition.

Government Building

Government building is a type of building which are used by government officers and leaders. For example, Municipality office, public services commission (PSC), ministry also universities, school, college etc.

Type of Load

There are different type of load acting in building structure they are:

·        Dead Load

·        Live Load

·        Wind Load

·        Snow Load

·        Earthquake Load

Dead load

Dead load also known as permanent load or static load are those that remain relatively constant over time. For, example the weight of a building’s structural elements such as beam, columns, walls, roof and structural flooring components.

Live load

Live load refers to the temporary load transits load that move thorough building component within varies with time. For example, moving car, furniture, people, water tank etc.

Wind load

Wind load is a load that acts on the direction of the wind strike of area length-height or breadth-height.

Snow load

It is the load of snow in the cold. Snow load is the downward force on the building roofs by the weight of snow or ice. The roofs or entire structure can fail if the snow load exceeds the weight it was designed.

Earthquake load

Earthquake is the load or shaking force acting on building on the earth’s movement. It is designed properly up to certain magnitude. Improper design of earthquake load can cause failure of the structure due to earthquake.

Components of building

Component of building means the physical element of the building which counter load and support the weight of the structure.


Foundation is the lower portion of the structure which is in direct contact with ground to which loads are transmitted.

Footing is the lower most portion of the foundation which is in direct contact with subsoil.

Types of foundation

Sallow Foundation

·        Spread foundation

·        Combined foundation

·        Continuous foundation

·        Strip foundation

·        Strap foundation

·        Mat foundation

Deep Foundation

·        Pile foundation

·        Pire foundation

Consideration in building design

Design consideration are areas that may affect the requirements designs or operational concept of a system:

       I.          Accessibility

      II.          Architecture

    III.          Branding

    IV.          Color

     V.          Cost

    VI.          Culture

  VII.          Durability

 VIII.          Deconstruction / Dismantle

    IX.          Functionality

      X.          Health and safety

    XI.          Layout and composition

   XII.          Lightness

 XIII.          Material

 XIV.          Look

  XV.          Positioning

 XVI.          Requirement

XVII.          Security

XVIII.          Style

 XIX.          Technology

  XX.          Design





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